Last year, I found myself volunteering for a project called “HELP PORTRAIT.”  It was an idea from a celebrity photographer who wanted to give back using the gifts he was given. The basic idea is to find someone in need, take their photo and give it to them. That’s it. The importance of this simple gift is often underestimated, but after last year….many minds have been changed…

The connections made and the validation this movement has given are indescribable. I am fortunate to have been part of it.

This year, on December 4th, HELP PORTRAIT will be active all over the world doing the same basic thing – taking photos of those in need. Groups everywhere will be seeking photographers, makeup artists, hair stylists, volunteers, and donations to make these events as special as they can possibly be.

If you are in the local area and wish to become  part of this movement, please contact me for more information. If you are in another area , please google to find a HELP PORTRAIT event near you to assist with. I promise it will be an experience you will be thankful for and remember for a lifetime;)

EVERY little bit helps be it donations of refreshments, printing, consumables, support, organization etc. If you would like to donate to this local group  feel free to contact me or find a group near you.

I look forward to another great experience this year and hope you can be a part of it too!


See the link for some history and information: